Plextor 128GB 2.5 SSD

The top choice for next-generation SSD upgrade! The Plextor S3 solid-state drive series uses the latest technologies and components, including our proprietary PlexNitro cache technology. It is combined with intelligent SSD software technologies to provide a high-value SSD masterpiece that meets your computing expectations.


  • Advanced technologies and high quality components – Hynix 14nm triple level cell NAND and SMI 2254 controller IC
  • Exclusive PlexNitro performance optimization technology
  • Supports -PlexTurbo, PlexCompressor, and PlexVault
  • 3x faster than typical Hard Disk Drive -sequential read/write speed of up to 550/520 MB/s and random read/write speeds of 92K/79K IOPS
  • Three-year warranty


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